I created a concept for a microsite that let you build your very own burger for McDonald's. Viewers would vote on the burgers they liked and the winner's burger was put on the actual menus in the restaurants.
I created a concept for a microsite that let you build your very own burger for McDonald's. Viewers would vote on the burgers they liked and the winner's burger was put on the actual menus in the restaurants.
We blew up Gamespot.com to promote the new, all internet based, Atari games that you could only play on the new IE10. It was a huge hit with developers and consumers alike. Once again, bringing Microsoft into the cool fold and making them relevant.
We blew up Gamespot.com to promote the new, all internet based, Atari games that you could only play on the new IE10. It was a huge hit with developers and consumers alike. Once again, bringing Microsoft into the cool fold and making them relevant.